gnssrefl.download_teqc module
download a year of teqc logs from unavco can do multiple years as well 2022 september 15, updated to https access
- gnssrefl.download_teqc.download_teqc(station: str, year: int, year_end: int = None)
Download teqc logs from UNAVCO for one (or more) year.
- Parameters:
station (string) – 4 character ID of the station
year (integer) – Year
year_end (int, optional) – end year.
- gnssrefl.download_teqc.main()
picks up teqc log from unavco if it exists stores it in $REFL_CODE / year / mp / station directory does not check that directory exists. Assumes you previously ran check_directories from the veg library
- Parameters:
station (string) – four character station name
year (integer) –
doy (integer) – day of year
- gnssrefl.download_teqc.parse_arguments()