gnssrefl.installexe_cl module
- gnssrefl.installexe_cl.checkexist(exe)
check to see if an executable exists
- Parameters:
exe (str) – executable name to check
- gnssrefl.installexe_cl.download_chmod_move(url, savename, exedir)
download an executable, chmod it, and store it locally
- Parameters:
url (string) – external location of the executable
savename (string) – name of the executable
exedir (string) – name of local executable directory (EXE environment variable)
- gnssrefl.installexe_cl.installexe(opsys: str)
Command line interface to install non-python executables, specifically CRX2RNX and gfzrnx.
- Parameters:
opsys (string) – operating system. Allowed values are linux64, macos, and mac-newchip PC users should use the docker, where these executables come pre-installed
- gnssrefl.installexe_cl.main()
command line code that downloads helper GNSS codes: Hatanaka and gfzrnx
- Parameters:
opsys (string) – operating system. Allowed values are linux64, macos, and mac-newchip PC users should use the docker, where these executables come pre-installed
- gnssrefl.installexe_cl.newchip_gfzrnx(exedir)
installs the gfzrnx executable and stores in the EXE directory
- Parameters:
exedir (str) – location of the executable directory
- gnssrefl.installexe_cl.newchip_hatanaka(exedir)
compiles hatanaka code if an existing executable is not there stores in EXE directory
- Parameters:
exedir (str) – location of the executable directory
- gnssrefl.installexe_cl.parse_arguments()