gnssrefl.quickLook_function2 module
- gnssrefl.quickLook_function2.colorful(a, px, pz, lw, fullcolor, ax)
plots the quadrant periodograms
- Parameters:
a (int) –
px (numpy array of floats) – x axis of amplitude power spectrum
pz (numpy array of floats) – y axis of amplitude power spectrum
lw (float) – line width
fullcolor – whether you want full color (if not, it is gray)
ax (axis handle) –
- gnssrefl.quickLook_function2.goodbad(fname, station, year, doy, h1, h2, PkNoise, reqAmp, freq, e1, e2, hires_figs)
makes a plot that shows “good” and “bad” refletor height retrievals as a function of azimuth
- Parameters:
fname (str) – filename
station (str) – 4 char station name
year (int) – full year
doy (int) – day of year
h1 (float) – minimum reflector height (m)
h2 (float) – max reflector height (m)
PkNoise (float) – peak 2 noise QC
reqAmp (float) – required LSP amplitude
freq (int) – frequency
e1 (float) – minimum elevation angle (deg)
e2 (float) – maximum elevation angle (deg)
hires_figs (bool) – whether to use eps instead of png
- Return type:
plot is written $REFL_CODE/Files/station/quickLook_summary.png
- gnssrefl.quickLook_function2.quickLook_function(station, year, doy, snr_type, f, e1, e2, minH, maxH, reqAmp, pele, satsel, PkNoise, fortran, pltscreen, azim1, azim2, ediff, delTmax, hires_figs, **kwargs)
This is the main function to compute spectral characteristics of a SNR file. It takes in all user inputs and calculates reflector heights. It makes two png files to summarize the data.
This is a new version that tries to picks all rising and setting arcs, not just those constrained to 90 degree quadrants.
It will attempt to make a refraction correction if you have a local coordinate file or a station analysis json. The format of the local coordinate file can be found in the documentation for query_coordinate_file which is in the gps library.
- Parameters:
station (str) – station name (4 char)
year (int) – full year
doy (int) – day of year
snr_type (int) – snr file extension (i.e. 99, 66 etc)
f (int) – frequency (1, 2, 5), etc
e1 (float) – minimum elevation angle in degrees
e2 (float) – maximum elevation angle in degrees
minH (float) – minimum allowed reflector height in meters
maxH (float) – maximum allowed reflector height in meters
reqAmp (float) – is LSP amplitude significance criterion
pele (list of floats) – is the elevation angle limits for the polynomial removal. units: degrees
satsel (int) – satellite number
PkNoise (float) – peak to noise ratio for QC
fortran (bool) – whether external fortran translator is being explicitly called.
pltscreen (bool) – whether you want plots sent to the terminal
azim1 (float) – minimum azimuth in degrees
azim2 (float) – maximum azimuth in degrees
ediff (float) – QC parameter - restricts length of arcs (degrees)
delTmax (float) – maximum arc length in minutes
hires_figs (bool) – whether to use eps instead of png
- gnssrefl.quickLook_function2.quick_refraction(station)
refraction correction used in quickLook. no time dependence.
- Parameters:
station (string) – 4 character station name
- Returns:
p (float) – pressure, hPa
T (float) – temperature, Celsius
irefr (int) – refraction model number I believe, which is also sent, so not needed
e (float) – water vapor pressure, hPa
- gnssrefl.quickLook_function2.set_labels(ax, axisSize, fs)
try to set the appropriate labels depending on the quadrant
- Parameters:
ax (dictionary) – plot handles
axisSize (numpy array of floats) – lists the amplitudes of the various periodograms in a given quadrant pairs of quad (0-3), amplitude
fs (int) – font size
- gnssrefl.quickLook_function2.whichquad(iaz)
- Parameters:
iaz (float) – azimuth of the arc, degrees
a (int) – quad number in funny system