gnssrefl.refl_zones module
- gnssrefl.refl_zones.FresnelZone(f, e, h)
based on GPS Tool Box Roesler and Larson (2018). Original source is Felipe Nievinski as published in the appendix of Larson and Nievinski 2013 this code assumes a horizontal, untilted reflecting surface
- Parameters:
f (int) – frequency (1,2, or 5)
e (float) – elevation angle (deg)
h (float) – reflector height (m)
- Returns:
firstF – [a, b, R ] in meters where: a : is the semi-major axis, aligned with the satellite azimuth b : is the semi-minor axis R : locates the center of the ellispe on the satellite azimuth direction (theta)
- Return type:
list of floats
- gnssrefl.refl_zones.calcAzEl_new(prn, newf, recv, u, East, North)
function to gather azel for all low elevation angle data this is used in the reflection zone mapping tool
- Parameters:
prn (int) – satellite number
newf (3 vector of floats) – cartesian coordinates of the satellite (meters)
recv (3 vector of floats) – receiver coordinates (meters)
u (3 vector) – cartesian unit vector for up
East (3 vector) – cartesian unit vector for east direction
North (3 vector) – cartesian unit vector for north direction
- Returns:
tv – list of satellite tracks [prn number, elevation angle, azimuth angle]
- Return type:
numpy array of floats
- gnssrefl.refl_zones.calcAzEl_newish(prn, newf, recv, u, East, North)
should be consolidated with the other function.but who has the time!
- Parameters:
prn (int) – satellite number ?
newf –
u (numpy array) – up unit vector
East –
North –
- Returns:
- Return type:
numpy array
- gnssrefl.refl_zones.makeEllipse_latlon(freq, el, h, azim, latd, lngd)
for given fresnel zone, produces coordinates of an ellipse
- Parameters:
freq (int) – frequency
el (float) – elevation angle in degrees
h (float) – reflector height in meters
azim (float) – azimuth in degrees
latd (float) – latitude in degrees
lngd (float) – longitude in degrees
- Returns:
lngdnew (float) – new longitudes in degrees
latdnew (float) – new latitudes in degrees
- gnssrefl.refl_zones.makeFresnelEllipse(A, B, center, azim)
make an Fresnel zone given size, center, and orientation
- Parameters:
A (float) – semi-major axis of ellipse in meters
B (float) – semi-minor axis of ellipse in meters
center (float) – center of the ellipse, provided as distance along the satellite azimuth direction
azimuth (float) – azimuth angle of ellipse in degrees. this will be clockwise positive as defined from north
- Returns:
x (numpy array of floats) – x value of cartesian coordinates of ellipse
y (numpy array of floats) – y value of cartesian coordinates of ellipse
xcenter (float) – x value for center of ellipse in 2-d cartesian
ycenter (float) – y value for center of ellipse in 2-d cartesian
- gnssrefl.refl_zones.make_FZ_kml(station, filename, freq, el_list, h, lat, lng, azlist)
makes fresnel zones for given azimuth and elevation angle lists.
- Parameters:
station (str) – four character station name
filename (str) – output filename (the kml extension should already be there)
freq (int) – frequency (1,2, or 5)
el_list (list of floatss) – elevation angles
h (float) – reflector height in meters
lat (float) – latitude in deg
lng (float) – longitude in degrees
azlist (list of floats) – azimuths
- gnssrefl.refl_zones.nyquist_simple(t, elev, azims, emin, emax, azriseset, reqsamplerate)
given numpy array of elevation angles (elev) and limtis (emin,emax) and azriseset, reqsamplerate
- Parameters:
t – cannot remember
elev (numpy array of floats) – elevation angle of rising/setting arcs
azims (numpy array of floats) – azimuths of rising/setting arcs
emin (float) – minimum elevation angle, degrees
emax (float) – maximum elevation angle, degrees
azriseset – cannot remember
reqsamplerate (float) – requested receiver sampling rate
- gnssrefl.refl_zones.rising_setting_new(recv, el_range, obsfile)
Calculates potential rising and setting arcs
- Parameters:
recv (list of floats) – Cartesian coordinates of station in meters
el_range (list of floats) – elevation angles in degrees
obsfile (str) – orbit filename
- Returns:
azlist – azimuth angle (deg), PRN, elevation angle (Deg)
- Return type:
list of floats
- gnssrefl.refl_zones.save_reflzone_orbits()
check that orbit files exist for reflection zone code. downloads to $REFL_CODE$/Files directory if needed
- Returns:
foundfiles – whether needed files were found
- Return type:
- gnssrefl.refl_zones.set_azlist_multi_regions(sectors, azlist)
edits initial azlist to restrict to given azimuth sectors. assumes that illegal list of sectors have been checked (i.e. no negative azimuths, they should be pairs, and increasing)
- Parameters:
sectors (list of floats) – min and max azimuth (degrees). Must be in pairs, no negative numbers
azlist (list of floats) – list of tracks, [azimuth angle, satNumber, elevation angle ]
- Returns:
azlist2 – same format as before, but with azimuths removed outside the restricted zones
- Return type:
list of floats
- gnssrefl.refl_zones.set_final_azlist(a1ang, a2ang, azlist)
edits initial azlist to restrict to given azimuths
- Parameters:
a1ang (float) – minimum azimuth (degrees)
a2ang (float) – maximum azimuth (degrees)
azlist (list of floats) – list of tracks, [azimuth angle, satNumber, elevation angle ]
- Returns:
- Return type:
list of floats
- gnssrefl.refl_zones.set_system(system)
finds the file needed to compute orbits for reflection zones
- Parameters:
system (str) – gps,glonass,beidou, or galileo
it (int) – simple pointer from former code. 1 is GPS, 2 is Glonass etc
- Returns:
orbfile – orbit filename with Cartesian coordinates for one day
- Return type:
- gnssrefl.refl_zones.write_coords(lng, lat)
- Parameters:
lng (list of floats) – longitudes in degrees
lat (list of floats) – latitudes in degrees
- Returns:
points – for google maps
- Return type:
list of pairs of long/lat