gnssrefl.rinex2snr module
- class gnssrefl.rinex2snr.constants
- c = 299792458
- mu = 398600500000000.0
- omegaEarth = 7.2921151467e-05
- gnssrefl.rinex2snr.conv2snr(year, doy, station, option, orbtype, receiverrate, dec_rate, archive, translator)
convert RINEX files to SNR files
2024 March 29: change location of logs directory to below REFL_CODE
- Parameters:
year (int) – full year
doy (int) – day of year
option (int) – snr choice (66, 99 etc)
orbtype (str) – orbit source (nav, gps, gnss, etc)
receiverrate (int) – sampling interval of the GPS receiver, e.g. 1, 30, 15
dec_rate (int) – decimation value to reduce file size
archive (str) – external location (archive) of the rinex files
translator (str) – hybrid, python, or fortran
- gnssrefl.rinex2snr.elev_limits(snroption)
For given SNR option, returns elevation angle limits
- Parameters:
snroption (integer) – snr file delimeter
- Returns:
emin (float) – minimum elevation angle (degrees)
emax (float) – maximum elevation angle (degrees)
- gnssrefl.rinex2snr.extract_snr(prn, con, obslist, obsdata, prntoidx, not_ij, emp)
- gnssrefl.rinex2snr.get_local_rinexfile(rfile, localpath2)
look for a plain or gzipped version of the RINEX 2.11 file in the year subdirectories copies it to the local directory. this method stops the code from deleting your rinex files. As of 2023 September 19, it should also look for Hatanaka files.
localpath2 = os.environ[‘REFL_CODE’] + ‘/’ + cyyyy + ‘/rinex/’ + station + ‘/’
This is unlikely to work for uppercase RINEX files. Try the mk option
- Parameters:
rfile (str) – version2 rinexfile name
localpath2 (str) – another location of the file (meant to be as defined above)
- Returns:
allgood – whether file found
- Return type:
- gnssrefl.rinex2snr.go_from_crxgz_to_rnx(c3gz, deletecrx=True)
checks to see if rinex3 file exists, gunzip if necessary, run hatanaka, if necessary
- Parameters:
c3gz (str) – filename for a gzipped RINEX 3 Hatanaka file
bool (deletecrx =) – whether to delete the crx file
- Returns:
translated (bool) – if file successfully found and available
rnx (str) – name of gunzipped and decompressed RINEX 3
Strandberg nav reading file?
- Parameters:
navfile (string) –
obstimes –
observationdata –
obslist –
prn2oidx –
gpssatlist –
snrfile (str) – name of the output file
s1exist –
s2exist –
s5exist –
! (This is for GPS only files) –
format (navfile is nav broadcast ephemeris in RINEX) –
info (inputs are rinex) –
obstimes –
observationdata –
prntoidx –
gpssatlist –
existence (various bits about SNR) –
name (snrfile is output) –
file (log is for screen outputs - now going to a) –
- gnssrefl.rinex2snr.print_archives()
feeble attempt to print list of archives to screen …
- gnssrefl.rinex2snr.quickname(station, year, cyy, cdoy, csnr)
creates filename for a local SNR file
- Parameters:
station (str) – station name, 4 character
year (int) – full year
cyy (str) – two character year
cdoy (str) – three character day of year
csnr (str) – snr ending, i.e. ‘66’ or ‘99’
- Returns:
fname – full filename including the directory
- Return type:
- gnssrefl.rinex2snr.readSNRval(s1exist, s2exist, s5exist, observationdata, prntoidx, sat, i)
what it looks like only reads GPS data for now interface between Joakim’s code and mine …
- Parameters:
s1exist (boolean) –
s2exist (boolean) –
s5exist (boolean) –
- Returns:
- gnssrefl.rinex2snr.rnx2snr(obsfile, navfile, snrfile, snroption, year, month, day, dec_rate, log)
Converts a rinex v2.11 obs file using Joakim’s rinex reading code
- Parameters:
obsfile (str) – RINEX 2.11 filename
navfile (str) – navigation file
snrfile (str) – SNR filename
snroption (integer) – kind of SNR file requested
year (int) – full year
month (int) – calendar month
day (int) – calendar day
dec_rate (int) – decimation rate in seconds
- gnssrefl.rinex2snr.run_rinex2snr(station, year, doy, isnr, orbtype, rate, dec_rate, archive, nol, overwrite, translator, srate, mk, stream, strip, bkg, screenstats, gzip, timeout)
main code to convert RINEX files into SNR files now works on a single year and doy
- Parameters:
station (str) – 4 or 9 character station name. 6 ch allowed for japanese archive 9 means it is a RINEX 3 file
year (int) – full year
doy (int) – day of year
isnr (int) – SNR file type choice, i.e. 66, 88
orbtype (str) – orbit type, e.g. nav, rapid, gnss
rate (str) – general sample rate. high: use 1-Hz area in the archive low: use default area in the archive
dec_rate (integer) – decimation value
archive (str) – choice of GNSS archive, of which there are many
nol (bool) – True: assumes RINEX files are in local directory False (default): will look at multiple - or specific archive
overwrite (bool) – False (default): if SNR file exists, SNR file not made True: make a new SNR file
translator (str) – hybrid (default), fortran, or python hybrid uses fortran within he python code
srate (int) – sample rate for RINEX 3 files
mk (bool) – makan option
strip (bool) – reduces observables to only SNR (too many observables, particularly in RINEX 2 files will break the RINEX translator)
bkg (str) – location of bkg files, EUREF or IGS
screenstats (bool) – whether print statements come to screen
gzip (bool) – whether SNR files are gzipped after creation
timeout (int) – optional parameter I am testing out for requests timeout parameter in seconds
- gnssrefl.rinex2snr.satorb(week, sec_of_week, ephem)
Calculate GPS satellite orbits
- Parameters:
week (integer) – GPS week
sec_of_week (float) – GPS seconds of the week
ephem (ephemeris block) –
- Returns:
the x,y,z, coordinates of the satellite in meters and relativity correction (also in meters), so you add, not subtract
- Return type:
numpy array
- gnssrefl.rinex2snr.satorb_prop(week, secweek, prn, rrec0, closest_ephem)
Calculates and returns geometric range (in metres) given time (week and sec of week), prn, receiver coordinates (cartesian, meters) this assumes someone was nice enough to send you the closest ephemeris returns the satellite coordinates as well, so you can use htem in the A matrix
- Parameters:
week (integer) – GPS week
secweek (integer) – GPS second of the week
prn (integer) – satellite number
rrec0 (3vector) – receiver coordinates, meters
- Returns:
SatOrbn – floats, Cartesian location of satellite in meters [x,y,z]
- Return type:
- gnssrefl.rinex2snr.satorb_prop_sp3(iX, iY, iZ, recv, Tp, ij)
for satellite number prn and receiver coordinates rrec0 find the x,y,z coordinates at time secweek
- Parameters:
iX (float) –
iY (float) –
iZ (float) –
recv (3 vector, float) –
Tp –
ij –
it (sp3 has the orbit information in) –
- gnssrefl.rinex2snr.the_makan_option(station, cyyyy, cyy, cdoy)
this ugly looking code checks a bazillion versions of RINEX versions (Z, gz, regular, hatanaka) both in the working directory and in an external rinex area $REFL_CODE/rinex/station/year
turns whatever it finds into a regular RINEX file in the working directory that file WILL be deleted, but it will not delete those stored externally.
- Parameters:
station (str) – station name (4 ch)
cyyyy (str) – 4 ch year
cyy (str) – two ch year
cdoy (str) – three ch day of year