gnssrefl.sd_libs module
- gnssrefl.sd_libs.RH_ortho_plot2(station, H0, year, txtdir, fs, time_rh, rh, gap_min_val, th, spline, delta_out, csvfile, gap_flag)
Makes a plot of the final spline fit to the data. Output time interval controlled by the user.
It also now writes out the file with the spline fit
- Parameters:
station (str) – name of station, 4 ch
H0 (float) – datum correction (orthometric height) to convert RH to MSL data, in meters
year (int) – year of the time series (ultimately should not be needed)
txtdir (str) – location of plot
fs (int) – fontsize
time_rh (numpy of floats) – time of rh values, in fractional doy I believe
rh (numpy of floats) – refl hgt in meters
gap_min_val (float) – minimum length gap allowed, in day of year units
th (numpy floats) – time values in MJD
spline (output of interpolate.BSpline) – used for fitting
delta_out (int) – how often spline is printed, in seconds
csvfile (bool) – print out csv instead of plain txt
gap_flag (bool) – whether to write 999 in file where there are gaps
- gnssrefl.sd_libs.find_ortho_height(station, extension)
Find orthometric (sea level) height used in final subdaily spline output and plots. This value should be defined for the GPS L1 phase center of the GNSS antenna as this is what is assumed in the subdaily code.
- Parameters:
station (str) – 4 ch station name
extension (str) – gnssir analysis, extension mode
- Returns:
Hortho – orthometric height from gnssir json analysis file as defined as Hortho, in meters. If your preferred value for Hortho is not present, it is calculated from the ellipsoidal height and EGM96.
- Return type:
- gnssrefl.sd_libs.flipit3(tvd, col)
Third version of the flipit code. It takes a time series of RH values, extracts 24 hours of observations from the beginning and end of the series, uses them as fake data to make the spline fit stable. Also fill the temporal gaps with fake data Previous versions assumed you were going to have full days of data at the beginning and end of the series.
This version uses MJD rather than day of year for x-axis
- Parameters:
tvd (numpy array of floats) – output of LSP runs.
col (integer) – column number (in normal speak) of the RH results in python-speak, this will have one subtracted from it
- Returns:
tnew (numpy array of floats) – time in MJD
ynew (numpy array) – RH in meters
- gnssrefl.sd_libs.mirror_plot(tnew, ynew, spl_x, spl_y, txtdir, station, beginT, endT)
Makes a plot of the spline fit to the mirrored RH data Plot is saved to txtdir as station_rhdot1.png
- Parameters:
tnew (numpy of floats) – time in MJD
ynew (numpy of floats) – RH in meters
spl_x (numpy of floats) – time in days of year
spl_y (numpy of floats) – smooth RH, meters
txtdir (str) – directory for plot
station (str) – name of station for title
beginT (float) – first measurement time (MJD) for RH measurement
endT (float) – last measurement time (MJD) for RH measurement
- gnssrefl.sd_libs.mjd_to_obstimes(mjd)
takes mjd array and converts to datetime for plotting.
- Parameters:
mjd (numpy array of floats) – mod julian date
- Returns:
- Return type:
numpy array of datetime objects
- gnssrefl.sd_libs.numsats_plot(station, tval, nval, Gval, Rval, Eval, Cval, txtdir, fs, hires_figs, year)
makes the plot that summarizes the number of satellites in each constellation per epoch
- Parameters:
station (str) – name of the station
tval (numpy array) – datetime objects?
nval (numpy array) – number of total satellites at a given epoch
Gval (numpy array) – number of galileo satellites at an epoch
Rval (numpy array) – number of glonass satellites at an epoch
Eval (numpy array) – number of galileo satellites at an epoch
Cval (numpy array) – number of beidou satellites at an epoch
txtdir (str) – where results are stored
fs (int) – fontsize for the plots
hires_figs (bool) – try to plot high resolution
year (int) – calendar year
- gnssrefl.sd_libs.pickup_subdaily_json_defaults(xdir, station, extension)
picks up an existing gnssir analysis json. augments with subdaily parameters if needed. Returns the dictionary.
- Parameters:
xdir (str) – REFL_CODE code location
station (str) – name of station
extension (str) – possible extension location
- Returns:
lsp – contents of gnssir json
- Return type:
- gnssrefl.sd_libs.print_badpoints(t, outliersize, txtdir, real_residuals)
prints outliers to a file.
- Parameters:
t (numpy array) – lomb scargle result array of “bad points”. Format given below
outliersize (float) – outlier criterion, in meters
txtdir (str) – directory where file is written
real_residuals (numpy array of floats) – assume this is RH residuals in meters
- Return type:
writes to a file called outliers.txt in the Files/station area
- gnssrefl.sd_libs.quickTr(year, doy, frachours)
takes timing from lomb scargle code (year, doy) and UTC hour (fractional) and returns a date string
- Parameters:
year (int) – full year
doy (int) – day of year
frachours (float) – real-valued UTC hour
- Returns:
datestring – date ala YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
- Return type:
- gnssrefl.sd_libs.rh_plots(otimes, tv, station, txtdir, year, d1, d2, percent99)
overview plots for rh_plot
- Parameters:
otimes (numpy array of datetime objects) – observation times
tv (numpy array) – gnssrefl results written into this variable using loadtxt
station (str) – station name, only used for the title
txtdir (str) – directory where the plots will be written to
year (int) – what year is being analyzed
d1 (int) – minimum day of year
d2 (int) – maximum day of year
percent99 (bool) – whether you want only the 1-99 percentile plotted
- gnssrefl.sd_libs.rhdot_plots(th, correction, rhdot_at_th, tvel, yvel, fs, station, txtdir, hires_figs, year)
makes the rhdot correction plots
- Parameters:
th (numpy array) – time of obs, MJD
correction (numpy array) – rhcorrections in meters
rhdot_at_th (numpy array of floats) – spline fit for rhdot in meters
tvel (numpy array of floats) – time for surface velocity in MJD
yvel (numpy array of floats) – surface velocity in m/hr
fs (integer) – fontsize
station (str) – station name
txtdir (str) – file directory for output
hires_figs (bool) – whether you want eps instead of png
year (int) – calendar year
- gnssrefl.sd_libs.stack_two_more(otimes, tv, ii, jj, stats, station, txtdir, sigma, kplt, hires_figs, year)
makes a plot of the reflector heights before and after minimal editing
- Parameters:
otimes (numpy array of datetime objects) – observation times
tv (numpy array) – variable with the gnssrefl LSP results
ii (numpy array) – indices of good data
jj (numpy array) – indices of bad data
station (str) – station name
txtdir (str) – directory where plots will be written
sigma (float) – what kind of standard deviation is used for outliers (3sigma, 2.5 sigma etc)
kplt (bool) – make extra plot for kristine
year (int) – calendar year
- gnssrefl.sd_libs.subdaily_resids_last_stage(station, year, th, biasCor_rh, spline_at_GPS, fs, strsig, hires_figs, txtdir, ii, jj, th_even, spline_whole_time)
Makes the final residual plot for subdaily (after RHdot and IF correction made). Returns the bad points …
Allows either the original or multiyear option..
- Parameters:
station (str) – 4 character station name
year (int) – calendar year
th (numpy array of ??) – time variable of some kind, fractional day of year ?
biasCor_rh (numpy array of floats) – refl hgts that have been corrected for RHdot and IF
spline_at_GPS (numpy array of floats) – RH derived From the spline fit and calculated at GPS time tags
fs (int) – font size
strsig (str) – sigma string to go on the legend
hires_figs (bool) – whether to save the plots with better resolution
txtdir (str) – directory where the plot will be saved
ii (numpy array) – indices of the outliers?
jj (numpy array) – indices of the values to keep?
th_even (numpy array) – evenly spaced time values, day of year
spline_whole_time (numpy array of flots) – splinefit for ???
- Returns:
badpoints2 – RH residuals
- Return type:
numpy array of floats
- gnssrefl.sd_libs.testing_nvals(Gval, Rval, Eval, Cval)
writing the number of observations per constellation as a test. not currently used
Parameters Gval: numpy array
GPS RH values
- Rvalnumpy array
- Evalnumpy array
Galileo RH values
- Cvalnumpy
Beidou RH values
writes to a file - kristine.txt returns nothing
- gnssrefl.sd_libs.the_last_plot(tv, station, plotname)
simple - reveresed - reflector height plot
Parameters station : str
station name, four characters
- tvnumpy array
output of the subdaily code
- plotnamestr
where the plot should be stored
- gnssrefl.sd_libs.two_stacked_plots(otimes, tv, station, txtdir, year, d1, d2, hires_figs)
This actually makes three stacked plots - not two, LOL It gives an overview for quality control
- Parameters:
otimes (numpy array of datetime objects) – observations times
tv (numpy array) – gnssrefl results written into this variable using loadtxt
station (str) – station name, only used for the title
txtdir (str) – where the plots will be written to
year (int) – what year is being analyzed
d1 (int) – minimum day of year
d2 (int) – maximum day of year
hires_figs (bool) – true for eps instead of png
- gnssrefl.sd_libs.write_spline_output(iyear, th, spline, delta_out, station, txtdir, Hortho)
Writing the output of the spline fit to the final RH time series. No output other than this text file for year 2023 and station name ssss:
I do not think this is used anymore. It has been consolidated with the plot code.
- Parameters:
iyear (int) – full year
th (numpy array) – time values of some kind … maybe fractional day of years?
spline (fit, output of interpolate.BSpline) – needs doc
delta_out (int) – how often you want the splinefit water level written, in seconds
station (str) – station name
txtdir (str) – output directory
Hortho (float) – orthometric height used to convert RH to something more sea level like meters
- gnssrefl.sd_libs.writejsonfile(ntv, station, outfile)
subdaily RH values written out in json format
This does not appear to be used
- Parameters:
ntv (numpy of floats) – LSP results
station (str) – 4 ch station name
outfile (str) – filename for output
- gnssrefl.sd_libs.writeout_spline_outliers(tvd_bad, txtdir, residual, filename)
Write splinefit outliers to a text file.
- Parameters:
tvd_bad (numpy array) – output of the lomb scargle calculations
txtdir (str) – directory for the output, i.e. $REFL_CODE/FiLes/station
residual (numpy array) – RH outliers in units of meters (!)
filename (str) – name of file being written