Installing and running the gnssrefl docker image
Please send your feedback on these instructions to Tim Dittmann at EarthScope, or better still, submit a GitHub issue.
Install Docker
Pick your system and follow instructions on the Docker website
Once installed, type docker run hello-world
in the terminal to check that it installed correctly.
More information on dockers.
If you want to process EarthScope data, you will need to create an EarthScope profile..
Docker Desktop is a useful tool.
Our docker has vim for editing text files.
When running the software in the Docker, plots will not be automatically displayed to the screen. You need to look at these files using your preferred application (i.e. clicking twice in a finder window).
In the help section below you will be using linux commands in a terminal window. Make sure that you hit the return key after typing a command.
Update the Docker
If you have previously installed the gnssrefl Docker, it is important that you update it.
docker pull
You need to do this before you start the gnssrefl Docker.
Run the gnssrefl Docker
Open a terminal window. You need to make a folder where you plan to run
the code. Navigate to where you want to create that folder. As an example, here we
will call it local
mkdir local
Change into that directory
cd local
Make another directory so that you can retain results:
mkdir refl_code
Start the docker container:
docker run -it -v $(pwd)/refl_code:/etc/gnssrefl/refl_code/ --name gnssrefl /bin/bash
docker run
is somewhat self-explanatory, but the other inputs can be confusing.
tells the docker where the docker image is stored - and what its local name will be.
If you are running docker hub, gnssrefl is what will show up.
calls interactive process (bin/bash shell)
mounts external volumes to allow the user to keep their processing results and figures
The -v
command associates a docker-named directory (/etc/gnssrefl/refl_code
) with a
physical directory on your machine (/usr/kristine/local/refl_code
). You may notice that the command
uses $(pwd) and not the full name. pwd
is a linux command that returns the current working directory. You can see how
that works by typing pwd
. When using the docker, keep in mind that there are these two naming
conventions - one used by the docker and one used by your physical machine.
It is worth spending a little time on these directories becaues gnssrefl has specific rules about where files are expected to be and where new files will be written. These are a little easier to navigate when you are doing a regular python install, but the Docker has a lot of advantages too. Let’s start by looking to see what folders are provided by the Docker. Type:
ls /etc/gnssrefl/
This returns the names of four directories:
exe notebooks orbits refl_code
Three of those directories are pre-defined by docker (exe, orbits, and notebooks) and the fourth (refl_code) is specifically for the inputs/outputs of your work.
Let’s try a command that downloads a RINEX file and translates it. The required inputs are station name (sc02), year(2023) and day of year (150). We also use an optional input for archive (sopac) so we can avoid setting up an EarthScope account:
rinex2snr sc02 2023 150 -archive sopac
rinex2snr needs to download two files: the RINEX file (from sopac) and an orbit file (in this example the orbit file will come from GFZ). We don’t need to keep the RINEX file, so it will be deleted after it is used. We might want to use the orbit file again (for another GNSS station), so it is saved. It is stored in that orbits directory we saw earlier. You can check that:
ls /etc/gnssrefl/orbits/2023/sp3
You can also check for the output of rinex2snr, which is a SNR file:
ls /etc/gnssrefl/refl_code/2023/snr/sc02
You should see
If you want to take a quick look at these data:
quickLook sc02 2023 150
creates two png files. Notice that the screen says:
Plot saved to /etc/gnssrefl/refl_code/Files/sc02/quickLook_lsp.png
Plot saved to /etc/gnssrefl/refl_code/Files/sc02/quickLook_summary.png
That tells you where they are using the docker folder definitions. If you were using a local python install, the plots would be automatically displayed. To look at them using a docker, you have to navigate to the folder where they are stored on your machine. In this example, they are stored in :
On many machines, simply clicking twice on the filename brings it to the screen, but you can use the way that works best for you. Once you are used to the gnssrefl directory structure, this will become easier. But until you do, remember that the location of all outputs are printed to the screen. This is to help you find them.
In most of the gnssrefl code and documentation the location of files are defined with
environment variables. These are also available when using the docker. Let’s say you are in the terminal
window of the Docker and you want to list the contents of the folder that the Docker calls
. You can type:
ls $REFL_CODE/Files
It can be a bit confusing to know how to turn your Docker off and on again. Please check the shutdown section below for assistance.
Analyze your own GNSS data
If you want to use your own GNSS data, you have some options. For convenience, here we will only cover RINEX 2.11 users. The naming conventions for RINEX files are the same whether you run gnssrefl using a regular python install or the Docker.
I assume that you have already decided where to run the docker and you have opened the terminal window to that directory. You have two choices. We will cover them both.
Probably the best method is to store your RINEX files in the standard gnssrefl directory structures. The main benefit is that the RINEX files will not be deleted after you translate them. gnssrefl has very specific requirements for these folders. For RINEX files from the year 2023 and with a station name of abcd, you need to use this command (this is before you start the docker)
mkdir -p refl_code/2023/rinex/abcd
Make sure that the RINEX files are stored in /usr/kristine/local/refl_code/2023/rinex/abcd
If you only have one or two files to translate, it is a bit annoying to have to create extra folders. The code allows you to put them in your local working directory. The downside is that they will be deleted after they are translated. If you have not previously done so, make sure to create the refl_code directory:
mkdir refl_code
Make sure the RINEX files are stored in /usr/kristine/local/refl_code
The gnssrefl code should recognize various RINEX types - gzip, Hatanaka compression, unix compression and so on.
Please check the rinex2snr
documentation to see what endings are allowed or when capitalization of filenames is allowed. There is also
information there on how to store your RINEX 3 files.
One can also use NMEA files in gnssrefl. The translation code for NMEA files was written by a user that prefers a different directory structure, i.e. if the station is abcd and the files are from the year 2023, you should store them in:
For other details about nmea2snr, please see the documentation.
Once you have your files stored appropriately, start your Docker just like you were shown earlier.
docker run -it -v $(pwd)/refl_code:/etc/gnssrefl/refl_code/ --name gnssrefl /bin/bash
At this point you can start analyzing your data. If your RINEX file called abcd1500.23o is stored in the appropriate directory, you can translate it using the -nolook option:
rinex2snr abcd 2023 150 -nolook T
At this point you can follow the standard documentation.
Shutdown Docker
To exit down the container from the terminal, type:
After exiting, to re-enter this container:
docker start gnssrefl
followed by docker exec -it gnssrefl /bin/bash
To shut down the docker container type:
docker stop gnssrefl
If you need to see the container(s) you have running you can use docker ps
If you need to see all container(s) you can use docker container ls -a
For WINDOWS users:
Thank you Paul Wu and James Monaco
Remember to install Docker for Windows
Problem: WSL2 Installation is incomplete
Solution: Need to download and install from step 4
Problem: Docker stuck at initial stage
Solution: restart the computer after docker installation
Problem: need to convert existing WSL environment into WSL 2 and associate with Docker
Solution: follow this documentation
To run the gnssrefl Docker
Docker run commands have slightly different syntax to accomodate windows directories in volume mounting:
Use either Windows Power Shell:
docker run -it -v ${pwd}\refl_code:/etc/gnssrefl/refl_code/ --name gnssrefl /bin/bash
Or Windows Command Line:
docker run -it -v %cd%\refl_code:/etc/gnssrefl/refl_code/ --name gnssrefl /bin/bash
Execute docker run command (see above) in terminal window
Feedback from jupyter notebook user:
About folder permission: In the notebook environment test, the error prompted that the program could not write to the file. This is remedied by changing the permissions of the folder from the command line.
Docker folder /etc/gnssrefl/refl_code
will be visible in Windows under C:\Users\yourlogin\refl_code
If you modify the source code, you’ll need to make the installation editable:
cd /usr/src/gnssrefl; pip install -e .