Jupyter Notebook Installation Instructions

Please send your feedback on these instructions or anything related to Notebooks to Kelly Enloe at EarthScope, kelly.enloe@earthscope.org. You can also submit a GitHub issue.

Listed below are instructions for running jupyter notebooks with Docker (recommended) or on your local machine.

If you have run the notebooks in the past, the first thing you should do is update your docker. Look below to the Update Docker Image.

additional references:

Run Jupyter Notebooks locally

Install gnssrefl and Clone the gnssrefl github repo

Please follow the instructions to install gnssrefl locally. Do not worry about the environment variables - the notebooks will set these for you. You can follow either the git-clone instructions or the PyPI instructions.

If you followed the PyPI instructions, then you will still need to git clone or zip the github repository to you local machine, but all you will need to keep is the notebooks directory.

If you ran the git-clone instructions, you will need to keep the entire gnssrefl source code.

Run Jupyter Lab

Once you have the notebooks directory (this), navigate into it and run jupyter lab. When this runs, it should open a browser for you running Jupyter Lab. If it does not open a browser, then the terminal will list the url you can place into a browser to run it. From here, you can navigate to any of the notebooks and run them.