gnssrefl.download_tides module
- gnssrefl.download_tides.download_tides(station: str, network: str, date1: str = None, date2: str = None, output: str = None, plt: bool = False, datum: str = 'mllw', subdir: str = None, year: int = None)
Downloads tide gauge data from four different networks (see below)
Output is written to REFL_CODE/Files/ unless subdir optional input is set. Plot is sent to the screen if requested.
- download_tides 8768094 noaa 20210101 20210131
NOAA station 876094
- download_tides thul ioc 20210101 20210131
IOC station thul
- download_tides 5970026 wsv
WSV station 5970026
- download_tides 10313 psmsl
PSMSL station 10313 (downloads one file)
- Parameters:
station (str) – station name
network (str) –
name of tide network. Options:
noaa : US NOAA
ioc : UNESCO
wsv : Germany, Wasserstrassen-und Schifffahrtsverwaltung
psmsl : Permanent Service Mean Sea Level
date1 (str, optional) – start date, 20150101, needed for NOAA/IOC
date2 (str,optional) – end date, 20150110, needed for NOAA/IOC
output (str, optional) – Optional output filename
plt (bool, optional) – plot comes to the screen
datum (str, optional) – NOAA input, default is mllw
sensor (str, optional) – setting for IOC
subdir (str, optional) – subdirectory for output in the $REFL_CODE/Files area
- gnssrefl.download_tides.main()
- gnssrefl.download_tides.parse_arguments()