gnssrefl.quickPhase module

gnssrefl.quickPhase.quickphase(station: str, year: int, doy: int, year_end: int = None, doy_end: int = None, snr: int = 66, fr: str = '20', e1: float = 5, e2: float = 30, plt: bool = False, screenstats: bool = False, gzip: bool = True)

quickphase computes phase, which are subquently used in vwc. The command line call is phase (which maybe we should change).


phase p038 2021 4

analyzes data for year 2021 and day of year 4

phase p038 2021 1 -doy_end 365

analyzes data for the whole year

  • station (str) – 4 character ID of the station.

  • year (int) – full Year to evaluate.

  • doy (int) – day of year to evaluate.

  • year_end (int, optional) – year to end analysis. Using this option will create a range from year-year_end. Default is None.

  • doy_end (int, optional) – Day of year to end analysis. Using this option will create a range of doy-doy_end. If also using year_end, then this will be the day to end analysis in the year_end requested. Default is None.

  • snr (int, optional) –

    SNR format. This tells the code what elevation angles are in the SNR file value options:

    66 (default) : data with elevation angles less than 30 degrees

    99 : data with elevation angles between 5 and 30 degrees

    88 : data with all elevation angles

    50 : data with elevation angles less than 10 degrees

  • fr (str, optional) – GNSS frequency. Currently only supports L2C. Default is 20 (l2c)

  • e1 (float, optional) – Elevation angle lower limit in degrees for the LSP. default is 5

  • e2 (float, optional) – Elevation angle upper limit in degrees for the LSP. default is 30

  • plt (bool, optional) – Whether to plot results. Default is False

  • screenstats (bool, optional) – Whether to print stats to the screen. Default is False

  • gzip (bool, optional) – gzip the SNR file after use. Default is True


  • Saves a file for each day in the doy-doy_end range ($REFL_CODE/<year>/phase/<station>/<doy>.txt)

  • columns in files – year doy hour phase nv azimuth sat ampl emin emax delT aprioriRH freq estRH pk2noise LSPAmp